In Harz Gebirge (Deutschland), vor einigen Jahren...
Mein Name is Cyprian Świętaszczyk (Swietaszczyk). Ich bin ein Arzt. Ich habe mein Sudium an der Medizinischen Universität in Bydgoszcz (Polen) absolviert. Dann, nach Erwerb der dt. Approbation, habe ich Nuklearmedizin in Deutschland gelernt (Magdeburg, Münster, Bad Berka). Seit 2008 arbeite ich wieder in Polen. Im Februar 2011 habe ich den Titel des Facharztes für Nuklearmedizin in Deutschland (Jena) erworben.
Außermedizinische Interesse: Chemie, Physik, Geschichte Polens, Sport, und etwas HTML, CSS und PHP :). Glücklicher Ehemann meiner Ehefrau!! Christ.
Kontakt: c(Punkt)swietaszczyk(At)bieganski(Punkt)org
Liste der gedruckten Fachpublikationen:
Świętaszczyk C, Jødal L: Derivation and presentation of formulas for drug concentrations in two-, three- and four-compartment pharmacokinetic models. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2019 Jul 26; 100: 106621. Corrigendum: J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2019 Nov 13; 101: 106648.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Lars Jødal
TI: Derivation and presentation of formulas for drug concentrations in two-, three- and four-compartment pharmacokinetic models. {+Corrigendum}
PMID: 31351949 (Corrigendum: PMID: 31733595)
JT: Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods
JID: 9206091
ISSN: 1056-8719
SO: J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2019 Jul 26; 100: 106621. Corrigendum: J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2019 Nov 13; 101: 106648.
AB: Although compartment models are frequently used in pharmacokinetics, it is difficult to find complete analytical formulas describing the behaviour of drugs in universal simpler compartment models in the accessible literature. The paper presents derivations of formulas for general two- and three-compartment models, including the possibilities of original non-zero quantity in all compartments and elimination from all compartments. Formulas for four-compartment models are also derived with the restriction that original quantity is non-zero in only one compartment. Derivation uses Laplace transformation but does not require prior knowledge of the technique. The derived analytical formulas are verified numerically. These formulas can be easily simplified to less complex cases.
IF: 2.679
DOI: 10.1016/j.vascn.2019.106621. (Corrigendum: doi: 10.1016/j.vascn.2019.106648.)
Świętaszczyk C, Jødal L: Three-compartment pharmacokinetic models of radiotracers used in the GFR-determination - estimation of their parameters using the time-concentration curves. Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2019; 22 (2): 60-68.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Lars Jødal
TI: Three-compartment pharmacokinetic models of radiotracers used in the GFR-determination - estimation of their parameters using the time-concentration curves.
PMID: 31482558
JT: Nuclear Medicine Review
JID: 100886103
ISSN: 1506-9680
SO: Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2019; 22 (2): 60-68.
In GFR measurements with radiotracers, there is evidence that a two-compartment model is unable to describe the full plasma curve, including early time points, but analyses generally focus on two-compartment models.
To analyze both the mammillary and catenary three-compartment model and to determine empirical relations between model constants and the overall GFR and ECV (extra-cellular volume).
Mathematical analysis of the three-compartment model. Full-curve patient data from 32 adults and 7 children were used to relate model parameters to GFR and ECV.
Model volumes were found to be roughly proportional to ECV. In both models, the central (plasma) volume was V1 = 0.24 × ECV and elimination rate from V1 was k10 = 4.2 × GFR/ECV. In the mammillary model, the two parallel volumes were V2 = 0.28 × ECV, V3 = 0.48 × ECV, and intercompartmental clearances were Cl12 [mL/min] = 0.0058 × ECV [mL], Cl13 = 0.042 × ECV. In the catenary model, the serial volumes were V2 = 0.60 × ECV, V3 = 0.16 × ECV, with clearances Cl12 = 0.048 × ECV, Cl23 = 0.0036 × ECV.
Insight into the three-compartment model was achieved, and empirical relations to ECV and GFR/ECV were determined.
DOI: 10.5603/NMR.a2019.0014.
Świętaszczyk C, Kobus-Błachnio K, Pilecki SE: Toxicity of therapy with Sm-153-EDTMP: to what extend can it be related to the tumor type? World J Nucl Med. 2016; 15 (1): 73-74.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Katarzyna Kobus-Błachnio, Stanisław E. Pilecki
TI: Toxicity of therapy with Sm-153-EDTMP: to what extend can it be related to the tumor type?
PMID: 26912987
JT: World Journal of Nuclear Medicine
JID: 101286955
ISSN: 1450-1147 (print), 1607-3312 (online)
SO: World J Nucl Med. 2016; 15 (1): 73-74.
AB: [This is a comment on another work published in the Journal].
DOI: 10.4103/1450-1147.167603.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki SE, Kobus-Błachnio K: Bone scintigraphy hot-spot in projection to rib and kidney: role of single photon emission computer tomography/computer tomography in distinguishing a urine collection in renal calyx from a metastasis to rib. World J Nucl Med. 2015; 14 (1): 47-50.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Stanisław E. Pilecki, Katarzyna Kobus-Błachnio
TI: Bone scintigraphy hot-spot in projection to rib and kidney: role of single photon emission computer tomography/computer tomography in distinguishing a urine collection in renal calyx from a metastasis to rib
PMID: 25709545
JT: World Journal of Nuclear Medicine
JID: 101286955
ISSN: 1450-1147 (print), 1607-3312 (online)
SO: World J Nucl Med. 2015; 14 (1): 47-50.
AB: On planar bone scintigrams, activity enhancement foci in projection to kidney and lower ribs can arise from the kidney, or from bone lesions. A differentiation based only on the exact location and shape of the hot spot can sometimes be misleading, resulting in a false qualification of a rib metastatic lesion as urine collection in the kidney or opposite. The authors illustrate the problem with three cases: In two patients, such a hot spot appeared to be the solitary metastatic focus; in one, highly suggestive for solitary metastatic focus, it was proven to be a urine collection.
DOI: 10.4103/1450-1147.150546.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki SE: Approximation of time-uptake curve to a modified Bateman equation based on three uptake tests - potential value for dosimetry of corpuscular radiation. Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2015; 18 (1): 42-45.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Stanisław E. Pilecki
TI: Approximation of time-uptake curve to a modified Bateman equation based on three uptake tests - potential value for dosimetry of corpuscular radiation
PMID: 25633518
JT: Nuclear Medicine Review
JID: 100886103
ISSN: 1506-9680
SO: Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2015; 18 (1): 42-45.
Many models of assessing radiopharmaceutical kinetics for dosimetry have been developed, starting from the formula of Marinelli. They are either inaccurate or require taking multiple patient uptake measurements.
Radiotracer behavior is approached to a modified Bateman equation ("biphasic model"). The calculated effective half time, maximum uptake and the cumulated uptake according to the biphasic model is compared to the values obtained with the most popular Marinelli's method ("simplified model"). The calculations can be performed by free online-accessible software on the site: ("Calculator").
Using of the software allows a direct comparison of the obtained effective half times according to both, the simplified and the biphasic, models. Further errors can come from imprecise measure of the maximum uptake value (especially, when the time of the measurement differs from the true point of the maximum uptake) and from neglecting of the ascending branch of the time-uptake curve. It is possible to compare the cumulated uptake values according to both models ("correction factor"). The results can be combined with the widely known formula of Marinelli. The operations require only one additional uptake measurement, which could be performed shortly after the i.v. administration of the radiotracer, i.e., during the same visit of the patient.
The proposed theoretic model could be verified practically for some i.v.-administered radiopharmaceuticals.
DOI: 10.5603/NMR.2015.0011.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki SE: Enhanced accumulation of bone seekers at superior lateral orbital margin - potential origin. World J Nucl Med 2014; 13 (1): 3-5.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Stanisław E. Pilecki
TI: Enhanced accumulation of bone seekers at superior lateral orbital margin - potential origin
PMID: 25191105
JT: World Journal of Nuclear Medicine
JID: 101286955
ISSN: 1450-1147 (print), 1607-3312 (online)
SO: World J Nucl Med 2014; 13 (1): 3-5.
AB: Enhanced accumulation of the radiotracer at superior lateral orbital margin is a common finding in bone scintigraphy. Its possible sources are discussed and illustrated with examples from own archive of the authors as well as from the literature. These sources include: Physiologically enhanced bone metabolism at frontozygomatic suture (normal variant), a metastasis at this suture (illustrated with an example of solitary metastasis from prostate cancer), lesions to the zygomatic bone or the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, deepened fossa for lacrimal gland and the gland itself.
DOI: 10.4103/1450-1147.138567.
Pilecki SE, Gierach M, Gierach J, Świętaszczyk C, Junik R, Lasek W: Congenital vascular malformations in scintigraphic evaluation. Pol J Radiol 2014; 79: 27-32.
AU: Stanisław E. Pilecki, Marcin Gierach, Joanna Gierach, Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Roman Junik, Władysław Lasek
TI: Congenital vascular malformations in scintigraphic evaluation
PMID: 24567769
JT: Polish Journal of Radiology
JID: 101175532
ISSN: 1733-134X
SO: Pol J Radiol. 2014; 79: 27-32.
AB: Background: Congenital vascular malformations are tumour-like, non-neoplastic lesions caused by disorders of vascular tissue morphogenesis. They are characterised by a normal cell replacement cycle throughout all growth phases and do not undergo spontaneous involution.
Here we present a scintigraphic image of familial congenital vascular malformations in two sisters.
Material/Methods: A 17-years-old young woman with a history of multiple hospitalisations for foci of vascular anomalies appearing progressively in the upper and lower right limbs, chest wall and spleen. A Parkes Weber syndrome was diagnosed based on the clinical picture. Due to the occurrence of new foci of malformations, a whole-body scintigraphic examination was performed.
A 12-years-old girl reported a lump in the right lower limb present for approximately 2 years, which was clinically identified as a vascular lesion in the area of calcaneus and talus. Phleboscintigraphy visualized normal radiomarker outflow from the feet via the deep venous system, also observed in the superficial venous system once the tourniquets were released. In static and whole-body examinations vascular malformations were visualised in the area of the medial cuneiform, navicular and talus bones of the left foot, as well as in the projection of right calcaneus and above the right talocrural joint.
Conclusions: People with undiagnosed disorders related to the presence of vascular malformations should undergo periodic follow-up to identify lesions that may be the cause of potentially serious complications and to assess the results of treatment. Presented scintigraphic methods may be used for both diagnosing and monitoring of disease progression.
DOI: 10.12659/PJR.889874.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki SE: To what extent can diverse types of liver lesions mimic hemangiomas? A retrospective quantitative analysis of masses found to be positive in SPECT/CT with labeled blood cells - a preliminary report. Pol J Radiol. 2013; 78(4): 21-26.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Stanisław E. Pilecki
TI: To what extent can diverse types of liver lesions mimic hemangiomas? A retrospective quantitative analysis of masses found to be positive in SPECT/CT with labeled blood cells - a preliminary report
PMID: 24511318
JT: Polish Journal of Radiology
JID: 101175532
ISSN: 1733-134X
SO: Pol J Radiol. 2013; 78(4): 21-26.
AB: Background: Although specificity of SPECT/CT examination using technetium-99m radiolabeled red blood cells (Tc-99m-RBC) for detection of liver hemangiomas is very high, it is still not perfect. It is possible to overlook a malignancy. Moreover, the difference in accumulation of RBCs between a hemangioma and uninvolved liver remains unknown. The aim of the study is to determine the quotients of accumulation of Tc-99m-RBC in hemangiomas and in normal liver parenchyma (HEM/liv), and to verify, whether the quotient could be potentially helpful in distinguishing hemangiomas from other RBC-accumulating liver masses.
Material/Methods: 34 liver lesions larger than 1.5 cm classified scintigraphically (qualitatively) in our Department as either typical or suspicious of hemangioma 1.5_4 years earlier were enrolled in this retrospective study. Their SPECT/CT images were acquired 1 hour after in vivo labeling of RBCs with Tc-99m. In reconstructed images, ellipsoidal regions of interest (ROIs) with diameters of about 1.5 cm were created in the assessed lesions (HEM) and in the uninvolved liver parenchyma (liv). The HEM/liv quotients were calculated for each mass. The results were compared with radiological data.
Results: 31 lesions were found to be clinically and radiologically typical for hemangiomas, their HEM/liv ratios were at least 1.6 (smaller masses) or 1.8 (larger masses). One lesion with HEM/liv ratio equal
to 1.21 was classified as metastasis. Two lesions with HEM/liv 1.42 and 1.46 were classified as benign foci other than hemangioma.
Conclusions: The quantitative analysis can be preliminarily proposed as a helpful tool in the assessment of possible liver hemangiomas.
DOI: 10.12659/PJR.889225.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki SE: Calculations in nuclear medicine - application of free online software. Nuclear Med Rev. 2013; 16 (2): 103-108.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Stanisław E. Pilecki
TI: Calculations in nuclear medicine - application of free online software
PMID: 24068645
JT: Nuclear Medicine Review
JID: 100886103
ISSN: 1506-9680
SO: Nuclear Med Rev. 2013; 16 (2): 103-108.
AB: Modern nuclear medicine frequently needs to be supported by software for calculations. A self-designed free-accessible online tool named "Calculator" is presented. It can be used from the web-site, option "Calculator". The programs offer: calculations of quantity of a radionuclide after a time (equation of simple radioactive decay), quantity of the second and third nuclide in the decay chain (successive radioactive decay,
computation with Bateman equations and their limits), converting of activity units as well as of activity of a radioactive substance into its mass and vice versa, and calculations related to radionuclide therapy (radionuclide uptake, effective half time and activity needed for therapy). Mathematical and historical backgrounds of the algorithms used are shortly discussed in this work.
DOI: 10.5603/NMR.2013.0047.
Świętaszczyk C: Kyphoplasty using bone cement mixed with Sm-153-EDTMP. J Neurosurg Spine. 2013 Jun; 18 (6): 662-3.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk
TI: Kyphoplasty using bone cement mixed with 153Sm-EDTMP
PMID: 23495890
JT: Journal of neurosurgery. Spine
JID: 101223545
ISSN: 1547-5654
SO: J Neurosurg Spine. 2013 Jun; 18 (6): 662-3.
AB: Recently, a new method of treatment for spinal metastatic lesions was described. It engages a filling of cavity after removal of the tumor with bone cement (methyl polymetacrylate) mixed with Sm-153-EDTMP. Analysis of physicochemical properties of the cement and the radiopharmaceutical makes any additional action of Sm-153-EDTMP against the rest tumor implausible.
IF: 2.355
DOI: 10.3171/2012.12.SPINE121104.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki SE: Two hundred years after discovery of iodine - less known functions of the element in human organism. Przegl Lek. 2012; 69 (12): 1280-2.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Stanisław E. Pilecki
TI: Two hundred years after discovery of iodine - less known functions of the element in human organism
PMID: 23750439
JT: Przegląd Lekarski
JID: 19840720R
ISSN: 1641-6565
SO: Przegl Lek. 2012; 69 (12): 1280-2.
AB: The main role of iodine in human organism is related to biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. The less known metabolic pathway of the element is formation of iodolipids (mainly iodoaldehydes and iodolactones). One of the compounds, 6-iodo-5-hydroxy-eicosatrienoic acid delta-lactone (6-IL), is believed to inhibit goiter growth, to modulate the cell response on some growth factors, and to trigger apoptosis in some types of cells. Another one, 2-iodohexadecanal (2-IHDA), probably also inhibits goiter growth and mediates the Wolff-Chaikoff-effect. Epidemiological and experimental data suggest a relation of iodine to some tumor diseases. Preventing of iodine deficiency diminishes prevalence of goiter as well as some non-goiter diseases.
Świętaszczyk C, Prasad V, Baum RP: Intense 18F-fluoride accumulation in liver metastases from a neuroendocrine tumor after peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. Clin Nucl Med. 2012 Apr; 37 (4): e82-e83.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Vikas Prasad, Richard P. Baum
TI: Intense 18F-fluoride accumulation in liver metastases from a neuroendocrine tumor after peptide receptor radionuclide therapy
PMID: 22391729
JT: Clinical Nuclear Medicine
JID: 7611109
ISSN: 0363-9762
SO: Clin Nucl Med. 2012 Apr; 37 (4): e82-e83.
AB: A 48-year-old female patient with a liver-metastasizing neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas underwent restaging with 18F-fluoride PET/CT after peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. The study detected 4 intense activity enhancements in the liver. These corresponded to 4 of altogether 9 liver metastatic lesions. The fluoride-positive lesions were calcified. Additionally, in pretherapeutic PET scans with 18F-FDG as well as with 68Ga-DOTA-NOC, they presented with doughnut sign and with more avid accumulation of 18F-FDG.
IF: 2.955
DOI: 10.1097/RLU.0b013e3182478a50.
Świętaszczyk C, Pilecki S, Łuka K, Junik R: Atypical sites of bony metastases in a prostate cancer patient. Clin Nucl Med. 2011 Dec; 36 (12): 1115-1117.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk C, Stanisław Pilecki, Krzysztof Łuka, Roman Junik
TI: Atypical sites of bony metastases in a prostate cancer patient
PMID: 22064084
JT: Clinical Nuclear Medicine
JID: 7611109
ISSN: 0363-9762
SO: Clin Nucl Med. 2011 Dec; 36 (12): 1115-1117.
AB: A 65-year-old patient with a newly diagnosed prostate cancer underwent planar bone scintigraphy. This study revealed increased focal activity in the right distal clavicle, left scapula, and right greater cornu of the hyoid bone. SPECT/CT confirmed these lesions. Metastases to the hyoid bone are rare.
IF: 3.674
DOI: 10.1097/RLU.0b013e3182335d40.
Baum RP, Świętaszczyk C, Prasad V: FDG-PET/CT in lung cancer: an update. Front Radiat Ther Oncol. 2010; 42: 15-45. Epub 2009 Nov 24.
AU: Richard P. Baum, Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Vikas Prasad
TI: FDG-PET/CT in lung cancer: an update
PMID: 19955789
JT: Frontiers of radiation therapy and oncology
JID: 0125544
ISSN: 0071-9676
SO: Front Radiat Ther Oncol. 2010; 42: 15-45. Epub 2009 Nov 24.
AB: The prognosis of lung cancer patients mostly depends on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed. Contrast-enhanced CT (ceCT) and MRI play a significant role in initial staging, but often the morphological information is insufficient when compared to the metabolic or molecular information obtained by positron emission tomography (PET). [18]F-fluorine deoxyglucose (FDG) is based upon the increased demand of ATP leading to increased consumption of glucose in the tumor tissues. FDG-PET/CT has been proven to be of immense value in the initial diagnosis, evaluation of therapy reponse, detection of recurrent tumor, radiation therapy planning and in the multidisciplinary management of patients with non-small cell lung cancer as well as in patients with small cell lung cancer. The aim of this article is to present a concise summary of the present status of FDG-PET/CT.
DOI: 10.1159/000262458.
Maciaczyk J, Świętaszczyk C, Tafil-Klawe M, Kasprzak HA: [Surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease]. Przegl Lek. 2004; 61 (12): 1383-1388.
AU: Jarosław Maciaczyk, Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe, Heliodor A. Kasprzak
TI: [Surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease]
TT: Chirurgiczne leczenie choroby Parkinsona
PMID: 15850334
JT: Przegląd Lekarski
JID: 19840720R
ISSN: 1641-6565
SO: Przegl Lek. 2004; 61 (12): 1383-1388.
AB: Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases. Its pathogenesis is based on diminution of neurons in substantia nigra, that under normal conditions acts as the source of dopamine in nigrostriatal circuit. The decline of dopamine concentration caused by death of dopaminergic neurons is responsible for the appearance of symptoms typical for the mentioned disease. Along with pharmacotherapy, with its most impressive success - that is delivery of the precursor of dopamine (L-DOPA) to the central nervous system--surgical methods are developed for treatment of PD. The basis of these approaches consist of "switching off" the nigrostriatal structures that are overactive due to lack of inhibiting action performed normally by dopamine. Stereotactic neurosurgery - enabling safe access to the region of basal ganglia, thalamus and subthalamic nucleus can be an important solution for many patients with the PD unresponding to pharmacological therapy. Depending on the procedure irreversible lesions or stimulation leading to reversible block can be done in order to restore physiological functional conditions within nigrostriatal circuit. The new, experimental method of curing PD is transplantaton of dopaminergic rich neurons from fetal mesencephalic tissue. Despite very promising results, this procedure is very controversial due to ethical problems concerning aspects of fetal graft acquisition. In the authors' point of view, the only chance for making the concept of neurotransplantation applicable is the use of neural stem cells that are able not only to renew dopaminergic neuron population, but also, thanks to gene therapy--introducing key substances (e.g. thyrosine hydroxylase, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) and elimination the cause of parkinsonian disturbances.
Świętaszczyk C, Maciaczyk J, Tafil-Klawe M, Kasprzak HA: [What is the origin of cerebral aneurysms?]. Przegl Lek. 2004; 61 (2): 115-119.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Jarosław Maciaczyk, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe, Heliodor A. Kasprzak
TI: [What is the origin of cerebral aneurysms?]
TT: Skąd się biorą tętniaki tętnic mózgowych?
PMID: 15230154
JT: Przegląd Lekarski
JID: 19840720R
ISSN: 1641-6565
SO: Przegl Lek. 2004; 61 (2): 115-119.
AB: Authors reviewed the literature on the ethology of saccular cerebral aneurysms. Nowadays the theories about inborn origin of the aneurysms are refuted. Numerous factors are involved in their formation. Two considered groups of the factors are the following: the hemodynamic ones and the ones related to particular cerebral artery histology. The first group comprises arterial hypertension and arterial blood flow disturbances in the brain. They increase the hemodynamic stress on arterial bifurcations. It has been also proven in the regions that the stagnation of blood flow may take place. It may induce a local arterial wall injury which may be caused either by anoxemic mechanism or by the release mediators from blood cells. The main factor in the second group is the particular make up cerebral artery walls, especially regions around their bifurcations, where a predominance of collagen fibers over elastic ones is found in connection with poorly developed muscular layer. The existing defects may be enhanced by disturbances in the process of connective tissue proteins synthesis which may be influenced by numerous endo- and exogenic factors. Apart from the genetic ones they may include: poisons like heavy metals and toxins present in cigarette smoke, medicines and hormones, especially steroidal ones. Unfortunately, experimental studies documenting the interdependencies between those substances and aneurysms are still scarce. Statistically proven risk factors of the malformations include: cigarette smoking, untreated arterial hypertension, female gender, collagen synthesis disturbances, and any disturbances in cerebral blood flow.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Jarosław Maciaczyk, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe
TI: [Misdirected nerve regeneration: clinical implications]
TT: Nieprecyzyjna regeneracja nerwów - implikacje kliniczne
PMID: 14593682
JT: Przegląd Lekarski
JID: 19840720R
ISSN: 1641-6565
SO: Przegl Lek. 2003; 60 (5): 371-374.
AB: Although peripheral nerve regeneration is not a precise renewal of primary connections, it often leads to successful return of their function. Moreover, in some cases, an injured nerve is aimly stitched to another one. A good example of such a procedure is intercostal neurotization of avulsed brachial plexus. Despite the fact that neural centers are not primarily suitable for their new function, they often fulfill it successfully. This respecification of function requires some changes in the central nervous system called "plasticity". Discussed are the potential mechanisms controlling these changes. The role of hypothetic proteins reversely transported from the target organ to the neuron's body, proprioceptive fibers and volitional control is mentioned. The punctual understanding of these mechanisms may appear not only very scientifically wonderful but also useful in clinical practice.
AU: Jarosław Maciaczyk, Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe, Heliodor A. Kasprzak
TI: [Neural stem cells: perspectives of clinical application]
TT: Nerwowe komórki macierzyste - perspektywy zastosowań klinicznych
PMID: 14593681
JT: Przegląd Lekarski
JID: 19840720R
ISSN: 1641-6565
SO: Przegl Lek. 2003; 60 (5): 359-365.
AB: The prognosis for many patients with central nervous system (CNS) diseases has recently improved, especially due to enormous development of medical sciences. Nevertheless there are still pathologies very difficult to cure. It is caused mainly by the irreversibility of CNS lesions, that even after ceasing the primary pathological process--lead to deep functional deterioration. Hopefully this will change in the future thanks to the discovery of the stem cell population located in the CNS. These cells have to reproduce cytoarchitecture and CNS function. The range of possible use of the therapy based on neural stem cells (NSC) appears unlimited. The most advanced laboratory trials are focused on neurodegenerative diseases with very promising results The second field of clinical neuroscience that NSC can play a key role in are injuries of the CNS, with special emphasis on spinal cord injuries which are still an unresolved problem of neurotraumatology. Adding to the possible roles of NSC--they may act as transporters of transgenes in case of metabolic or neoplasmatic diseases. The interest of many groups of scientists in biological and clinical use of NSC appears to be justified. Authors present advancement and possible ways of development of therapeutic methods based on NSC.
Świętaszczyk C, Maciaczyk J, Tafil-Klawe M: [Is the brain a postmitotic organ? -- current knowledge on neural stem cells]. Przegl Lek. 2003; 60 (5): 359-365.
AU: Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Jarosław Maciaczyk, Małgorzata Tafil-Klawe
TI: [Is the brain a postmitotic organ? - current knowledge on neural stem cells]
TT: Czy mózg jest organem postmitotycznym? - stan wiedzy o nerwowych komórkach macierzystych
PMID: 14593680
JT: Przegląd Lekarski
JID: 19840720R
ISSN: 1641-6565
SO: Przegl Lek. 2003; 60 (5): 359-365.
AB: All the attempts for regeneration in the central nervous system (in clinical conditions) are still a failure. Hence the bulk of clinicists are convinced that the brain is a postmitotic organ. Are the pessimists right? In the recent few years some knowledge break-throughs have been made. It has been noticed in many places of adult mammals' brains there are cells capable of proliferating, including asymmetric divisions, and differentiating into neurons and glia when suitably stimulated. Such cells, called neural stem cells, are present also in the brains of adult humans, especially in the subventricular zone. It has been recently discovered that also cells derived from bone marrow are capable of differentiating into neurons. The authors reviewed world-wide literature devoted to this topic. They focused mainly on the biology of the newly discovered cells, and especially on their mitotic and differentiating potential. The authors critically assess the discoveries discussed.
Kasprzak HA, Świętaszczyk C, Maciaczyk J: [Cerebral aneurysms and current methods of their treatment]. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2001 Nov-Dec; 35 (6): 1121-1132.
AU: Heliodor A. Kasprzak, Cyprian Świętaszczyk, Jarosław Maciaczyk
TI: [Cerebral aneurysms and current methods of their treatment]
TT: Tętniaki tętnic mózgowych i nowoczesne metody ich zaopatrywania
PMID: 11987707
JT: Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska
JID: 0101265
ISSN: 0028-3843
SO: Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2001 Nov-Dec; 35 (6): 1121-1132.
AB: The authors briefly discuss aneurysms of cerebral arteries. In the light of the pertinent literature the hypotheses of their development are reviewed. These aneurysms are probably lesions acquired by individuals with special predispositions, acquired or inborn. The problems of aneurysm diagnosis are reviewed and the methods of their management are discussed, both surgical and intravascular (embolization). Both methods are tentatively compared. In certain cases each method may be an excellent alternative for the other, and in other cases they are mutually complementary extending thus the range of therapeutic possibilities.
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Polnischer Titel: MEDYCYNA NUKLEARNA - wprowadzenie do diagnostyki i terapii radioizotopowej {NUKLEARMEDIZIN - Einführung in die Diagnostik und Therapie mit Anwendung von Radionukliden} ISBN: 978-83-939192-2-2 Zugänglich zu bestellen hier: